Monday, October 31, 2016

Please work on your Unit 2 assessment while I take attendance.  If you have already finished, please read independently.

Today we will read a creepy story called "The Monkey's Paw", play Hagoo and do a little Halloween writing.

RFotD: One-quarter of all the candy sold annually in the U.S. is purchased for Halloween. Read the history of Halloween here.

Homework: Have fun tonight, but be safe!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Please read your managed choice books.  If you have already finished please read independently.

Today you will (hopefully) finish your managed choice books and work on your Unit 2 assessment.  Be sure to work hard for the sub.

RFotD: Jack-o’-lanterns were once made out of turnips, beets, and potatoes — not pumpkins.  Read about it here.

Homework: None.  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Please read from your managed choice books while I take attendance.  If you have finished your book, you may read independently.

Today we will have a boss battle, finish reviewing Unit 2, and begin your unit 2 assessment.

RFotD: Trick-or-treating evolved from the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food to placate spirits who roamed the streets at Samhain, a sacred festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year. Here is some history of trick or treating.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today we begin wrapping up our review for unit Unit 2.

RFotD: Brown eyes are blue underneath, and you can actually get a surgery to turn brown eyes blue. Here's the information about it.

Homework: catch up on unfinished work, and read for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Please write independently while I take attendance.

Today we will continue our review of Unit 2 by revisiting the Objective Summary.

RFotD: Teeth are the only parts of the human body that can’t repair themselves.  Here are the details.

Homework: Catch up on unfinished work (check Google Classroom) and read for 30 minutes.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today we will begin our review of Unit 2 by practicing the central idea of a given text.

RFotD: Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents on the air, which is why your cat stares at you with her mouth open time and again. Read about it here.

Homework:  Finish the "Shattered Lives" pre-test question. Read for 30 minutes.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Please read from your managed choice books.  If you have already read what your team agreed on, read independently.

Today we will be answering the question: How does the author introduce, illustrate and elaborate Yusra’s Story?  We will also be meeting in managed choice groups.

RFotD: You have never seen your face, only pictures and reflections.

Homework: finish and assignments that you have not completed. Read for 30 minutes.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Using your journal, please respond to the following prompt:

If there was one talent you wished you had, what would it be and why?

Today we will study how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text.

RFotD: A previously brilliant-blue Yellowstone hot spring is turning green as a result of tourists throwing coins into it. read all the details here.

Homework: Finish your "Shattered Lives" pre-assessment and Read for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today we will finish our constructed response from "Malala the Powerful"

RFotD: You get a song stuck in your head because your brain interprets the song as an unfinished task, especially if you remember one part.  Read more here.

Homework: Finish any unfinished work (check Google Classroom) and read for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Please finish your "Shattered Lives" pre-assessment.  If you have already finished, you may read independently.

Today we will read and annotate "Malala the Powerful"  We will also work on answering a constructed response question using RACE.

RFotD: Our fingers get wrinkly in water because wrinkled fingers would give us stronger grip on slippery objects underwater.  Here's the info: Wrinkles Help Fingers Get a Grip.

Homework: Finish any unfinished work (check Google Classroom) and read for 30 minutes.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Please independently write while I take attendance.

Today we will be finishing the pre-assessment for "Shattered Lives".  We will also learn to use the new annotating tool Xodo and begin a new article: "Malala the Powerful" using RACE to answer constructed responses!

RFotD: The tingling sensation some people experience in their mouth after eating pineapple is not an allergic reaction, is because of the enzyme called bromelain. Read about it here.

Homework: Finish any unfinished work (check Google Classroom) and read for 30 minutes.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

In your journal, please respond to the following prompt:

What would you do if you woke up one morning to find yourself invisible?

Today we will be taking a pretest on informational writing.  We will also be meeting in your managed choice book groups.

RFotD: The Pitohui is a rare bird whose feathers and skin produce a toxin only found elsewhere on poison dart frogs. Just being in the vicinity of the bird can cause numbness to paralysis, leading to death. Se a picture of it, and read more here.

Homework:  Finish any unfinished work and read for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today we are visiting the library!  We will also complete your objective summaries and read from our managed choice books.

RFotD: There’s a billboard in Peru that creates drinkable water out of thin air. Read more here.

Homework:  Finish any unfinished assignments and read for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Please read independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be visiting the Book Fair!  When we return, we will be practicing objective summaries independently using the Anne Frank article.

RFotD: Only 25 people are known to have hyperthymesia. They remember every detail of their life.  Here's the story.

Homework: Finish any unfinished work and read for 30 minutes.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Please respond in your journals to the following:
Explain how disappointments can have a good side.

Today we will continue our work on practicing objective summaries.

RFotD: Mt Erebus is the southernmost active volcano on Earth is in Antarctica and it spews crystals. Read more here.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Please either write or read independently while I take attendance.

Today we will be expanding our work with objective summaries. You will work with a partner and construct your own summary.

RFotD: Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. for more interesting facts about your eyes, click here.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Please either read independently or write independently.  It's your choice today.

Today we continue our work on objective summaries.

RFotD: The expiration date on water bottles is for the bottle, not the water. Read about it here.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Please finish central idea of the Anne Frank article.  If you have already finished, please read independently.

Today we will begin work on summarizing informational text. Our objective is:
Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

RFotD: Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as wallpaper. Read the story here.

Homework: Finish the central idea of the Anne Frank article and read for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Please respond to the following prompt in your writing journal: IMAGINE YOU GET ROBBED AT KNIFEPOINT AND THEN THE THIEF GETS HIT BY A CAR.
The car speeds off, nobody else is around, and he is in extreme pain but not dead; do you help the thief and why?

Today we will continue our work on the Anne Frank Article.

RFotD: At the center of every raindrop is an impurity (dust, clay, soot etc). It is physically impossible for raindrops to form from pure water. Read more here.

Homework: Read for 30 Minutes

Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy Monday! I hope that you all had an amazing weekend.

Please, free write while I take attendance.

Today we will be reading and annotating a longer text.  Our objective is the same as last Thursday's: Determine the central idea of a text and cite textual evidence to support it.

Not so RFotD: A follow-up to our apples vs. coffee RFotD last week: The process of digesting the glucose (natural sugars) helps wake up your body, and then keep it that way – for about as long as it takes for your body to process the apple. Ir you want you can read more here.

Homework: read for 30 minutes.